Friday 10 February 2012

Jews. Controversial Truth.

Talking on Jews. Jews are the most controversial people on earth. Why?
Back in Muhammad S.A.W era, they are the people who is thrown away from their own land because they hesitate to embrace Islam. Before that, they are the races that Allah S.W.T really love most. Even, most Muslims prophet came from their tribe which is Jews. Though, they still won't believe in existence of Allah S.W.T.  Therefore, Allah had made them homeless as a result of their ignorance. Living abroad means they started to adapt lives in Europe countries. They have adapted so well abroad, and they have controls certain economy in certain Europe country. Among them are Germany. Germany led by Adolf Hitler and his party, Nazi Party during The Third Reich has discovered  Jewish deceits in his own country. Radically, he takes action by making a massacre killing of Jews around Europe countries that Germany captured in World War II. This massacre killing is called   'The Holocaust'.

Holocaust in Concentration Camp

In Mein Kampf or My Struggle  written By Adolf Hitler himself, he stated that Jews are always hungry of power and shameless as well as they take all the credit by others work. He also mentions that they are also very deceptive, and do not trust them.

Though, does that means Jews should be treated badly and massive killing of their breed? Think again. Jews are deceptive, but that does not mean that people need to kill them in order to avoid the xenophobia of Jewish religions. Killing would be sin. Does Holocaust considered as a sin? Yes. Killing people is always a sin, and should be prosecuted. Banishing a race? Killing a race is considered as sin as well.Religion prohibit killing,either in Islam or any other religion. Taking one's life should be Gods job, not in another man's hand. Not trusting a people is ones problem. Hating a religion, hating a race does not mean that one should kill all of its follower.
 Re question your mind. Jews are deceitful, though Hitler should not react by killing all of them. Hitler is charismatic leader, with fruitful ideas for his country. Though, living in world that we shared, it is impossible that clash among culture and society will never occur. Integration is the answer.
Overhaul your brain to the deepest way of thinking that it should be. World can be better.

" Integration is a man's ability to want to move in there by himself. If someone wants to live in a white neighborhood and he is black, that is his choice. It should be his rights. It is not because white people will not allow him."
                                Stokely Carmichael, Trinidadian-American black activist

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